Mise à jour le 10 janvier 2025
champs de compétences
Resp. du dev International,
Resp processus DP870
Habilité à Diriger les Recherches
Prof. Xavier Fischer is full professor in Computational mechanics and Mechnical Engineering.
In 2000, he was awarded the degree of Doctor of Engineering by the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Arts et Métiers (ENSAM). In 1995 he received the degree of Engineer from the Grande Ecole ESSTIN.
For 25 years, he has developed numerical solutions to support decision making during the design of mechanical products, mainly dedicated to the aeronautic industry. Optimization, Finite Element Based Simulation and Virtual Space Interactive Exploration are key words of his studies. He leaded several reserarch projects and PhD students whose the aim was the interactive exploration of design spaces from knowledge models being specifically built to aid the designers in easily achieving the design objective. For 15 years, he has developed new numerical approach being based on the model reduction principle to support advanced engineering studies involving multi-scale, multi-skills, multi-criteria and multi-physical approach.
In 2005, at the occasion of the defense of his HDR (Habilitation to supervise Research) he introduced the topic of Interactive Engineering. Next he created with Springer Nature the “International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing” and the book series “Research on Interactive design”: Prof Fischer is the editor-in chief of these publications. He also created in 2000 the international conference Virtual ConceptÓ whose he is the international chair and that is still yearly organized in a nice place in the world.
Prof Fischer is the head of academic programs and international affairs at ESTIA, in France. He leaded in Mexico the Master Innov@Prod (binational master) and the Creat’Innov Unit dedicated to the make closer research and industry areas in Mexico.
Prof Fischer is also member of ESTIA Research and of I2M UMR CNRS center of University from University of Bordeaux.
He published and presented more than 120 publications or communications in international journals, books and international conferences. These contributions present new solutions being related to design optimization, numerical optimization, Finite Element Analysis, thermodynamic approach in continuum mechanics, composite materials and manufacturing process simulation.