International Students



There are several ways that international applicants can apply through:

- The integrated undergraduate foundation course like any French student

- The selective competitive examination like any French student

- Qualifications and academic records.

You can apply to enter the 1st year (for a 3-year course) if you are currently in a higher education institution abroad (university, engineering school, etc.) with a view to obtaining a bachelor degree in science or technology.

You can apply for direct entry into the 2nd year (for a 2-year course) if you already have a Master degree, Maestria,… ..

For more information:

Admission via the network n+i

The "n+i" Network, a non-profit making organisation recognised by general interest, was created in 1997 under the initiative of the French Conference of Directors of French Engineering Schools (CDEFI).

The Network brings together nearly 50 top French engineering institutions of higher education (Grandes Ecole d’Ingénieurs) who have chosen to mutualise their strengths to recruit and welcome the best foreign students, future executives of French and foreign companies around the world.

By applying on the n+i website, candidates can be recruited by one of the network's 50 partner schools.

The "n+i" Network is aimed at students or young engineers who have completed at least four years of higher education in engineering sciences, leading to a Bachelor degree or equivalent (BTech, BEng, BSc, BPhil, Licenciatura , etc…).

It provides intensive French language training (summer university) as well as a transitional semester allowing students to quickly adapt to French teaching methods.

Students are admitted on qualifications, directly into the second year and will obtain the ESTIA engineering diploma after two years.

For more information:

Student exchanges under a partnership agreement with ESTIA

A) Non-degree academic mobility

1. Erasmus Incoming Students

  • SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences [D BERLIN21] / Germany
  • Escuela de Ingenieria de Bilbao-UPV [E BILBAO01] / Spain
  • Mondragón Unibertsitatea [E MONGRAG01] - Faculty of Engineering / Spain
  • Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Aeronáutica y del Espacio-UPM [E MADRID05] / Spain
  • Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II [I NAPOLI01] - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale / Italy
  • Universitatea “Lucian Blaga” din Sibiu [RO SIBIU01] / Romania
  • VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava [CZ OSTRAVA01] - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering / Czech Republic

2. International Incoming Students

  • Universidad del Bío-Bío / Chile
  • University of Quebec in Chicoutimi / Canada
  • Universidad Panamericana / Mexico
  • Universidad Tecnológica de Cancun / Mexico
  • Universidad EAFIT / Colombia
  • Universidad Católica San Pablo / Peru


B) Academic mobility leading to a diploma - International students registered as part of a second diploma

  • ETSIAE / UPM - MADRID (Spain)
  • UPV-EHU Universidad del Pais Vasco / Spain
  • ESITH / Morocco

Contact the international relations department at ESTIA


The Student Visa

In parallel with your application to ESTIA, you must apply for a visa from the French Embassy in your country of residence. To obtain the student visa, the procedure differs depending on whether your country of residence follows the CEF procedure (online application procedure) or not. If you live in one of the 31 countries that follows the CEF procedure, the online application procedure must be followed.

List of 31 countries with CEF procedure (Campus France)


Algeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Congo, Ivory Coast, Gabon, Guinea, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Mauritius (Island), Senegal, Tunisia.


Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, United States of America, Mexico, Peru.


China, South Korea, India, Japan, Lebanon, Russia, Syria, Taiwan, Turkey, Vietnam.


Find the information directly on the Campus France website:

If you are studying in a country that does not fall under the CEF procedure, you must apply directly via the Campus France website in your country.